linux for DeVops

linux for DeVops

Linux is a operating system created by Linus Torvalds written in c language. it has a hierarchical file system structure that organizes files and directories in a tree-like format.

The open-source nature of Linux allows developers worldwide to contribute to its development and improvement. The collaboration of many individuals and organizations has led to the growth and widespread adoption of Linux in various computing environments, including servers, embedded systems, and personal computers.

The root of this structure is represented by a forward slash (/). Here's a brief description of key directories and their purposes:

  1. / (Root Directory):

    • The top-level directory in the Linux file system.

    • All other directories and files are subdirectories or files within the root directory.

    • The root directory contains critical system files and directories.

  2. /bin (Binary):

    • Contains essential binary executables (programs) that are required for system booting and repairing.
  3. /boot:

    • Contains the kernel, initrd (initial RAM disk), and other files needed for the system boot process.
  4. /dev (Devices):

    • Contains device files representing hardware devices (e.g., disks, terminals, printers).
  5. /etc (Etcetera):

    • Holds system-wide configuration files and shell scripts that are used to boot and initialize system settings.
  6. /home:

    • User home directories are located here.
  7. /lib (Library):

    • Contains shared libraries needed by system binaries and kernel modules.
  8. /media:

    • Mount point for removable media such as USB drives and CDs.
  9. /mnt (Mount):

    • Used for temporarily mounting filesystems.
  10. /opt (Optional):

    • Typically used for third-party software and add-on packages.
  11. /proc (Process):

    • A virtual filesystem that provides information about running processes and system status.
  12. /root:

    • The home directory for the root user.
  13. /run:

    • Holds system runtime data, such as temporary files and information about running processes.
  14. /sbin (System Binary):

    • Contains essential system binaries that are generally intended for system administration.
  15. /srv (Service):

    • Holds site-specific data served by the system.
  16. /sys:

    • Another virtual filesystem that exposes information about devices, drivers, and some kernel parameters.
  17. /tmp (Temporary):

    • Used for temporary files created by system and users.
  18. /usr (User):

    • Contains user-related programs, libraries, documentation, and binaries.
  19. /var (Variable):

    • Variable data files, including logs, spool files, and temporary files created by daemons.

In the context of a Linux system, the primary components are the hardware, kernel, shell, and applications. Let's break down each of these components:

  1. Hardware:

    • This refers to the physical components of a computer system, including the central processing unit (CPU), memory (RAM), storage devices (hard drives, SSDs), input/output devices (keyboard, mouse, display), network interfaces, and other peripheral devices. Hardware is the foundation upon which the software components, including the operating system and applications, run.
  2. Kernel:

    • The kernel is the core of the Linux operating system. It acts as an intermediary between the hardware and the software, managing system resources, providing essential services, and facilitating communication between the operating system and the hardware components. The kernel is responsible for tasks such as process management, memory management, device drivers, and system calls.
  3. Shell:

    • The shell is a command-line interface that allows users to interact with the operating system. It interprets user commands and facilitates communication with the kernel. Users can enter commands directly into the shell to perform various tasks, and the shell is responsible for executing those commands. Shells also support scripting, allowing users to create and execute scripts that automate sequences of commands.
  4. Applications:

    • Applications are user-level programs that run on top of the operating system. These programs provide specific functionality and a user interface. Examples of applications include web browsers, text editors, office suites, development tools, and more. Applications interact with the kernel through system calls to access resources and services provided by the operating system.

Why Linux is commonly used in DevOps:

  1. Open Source Philosophy:

    • Linux is open source, which means its source code is freely available. This openness encourages collaboration, customization, and contribution from the community. DevOps teams often appreciate the ability to modify the system to suit their specific needs.
  2. Command-Line Interface (CLI):

    • The powerful command-line interface in Linux allows for efficient and scriptable management of system resources. DevOps professionals often leverage the CLI for automation, scripting, and configuration management.
  3. Package Management:

    • Linux distributions use package management systems (such as apt, yum, or zypper) that simplify software installation, updates, and removal. This is crucial for managing dependencies and ensuring consistent environments across different stages of development and deployment.
  4. Containerization and Orchestration:

    • Linux provides robust support for containerization technologies like Docker. Containers enable consistent and reproducible application deployments. Orchestration tools like Kubernetes, which is often deployed on Linux, automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
  5. Security and Permissions:

    • Linux has a strong security model with user-based permissions and access controls. DevOps teams can configure fine-grained access control to ensure that only authorized personnel can make changes to the system or deploy applications.
  6. Stability and Reliability:

    • Linux is known for its stability and reliability, making it a preferred choice for critical infrastructure. These characteristics are essential in DevOps environments where continuous integration, delivery, and deployment demand a stable foundation.
  7. Support for Scripting Languages:

    • Linux supports a wide range of scripting languages (such as Bash, Python, and Perl), enabling DevOps professionals to write scripts for automation, configuration management, and other tasks.
  8. Community Support:

    • The Linux community is extensive, providing a wealth of resources, forums, and documentation. This is particularly beneficial for DevOps practitioners who may need help troubleshooting issues, seeking advice, or sharing best practices.
  9. Cloud Compatibility:

    • Many cloud platforms, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), offer Linux-based virtual machines and container services. This compatibility facilitates seamless integration with cloud infrastructure and services.

Popular Linux distributions used in DevOps include Ubuntu Server, CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), and Debian. DevOps professionals often work with these distributions to build, deploy, and manage applications effectively.

Here are some important Linux commands that are commonly used in a DevOps environment:

  1. ls (list):

    • ls: List files and directories in the current directory.

    • ls -l: Detailed list, showing permissions, owner, group, size, and modification time.

  2. cd (change directory):

    • cd <directory>: Change to the specified directory.

    • cd ..: Move up one level in the directory structure.

  3. pwd (print working directory):

    • pwd: Display the current working directory.
  4. cp (copy):

    • cp <source> <destination>: Copy files or directories.
  5. mv (move):

    • mv <source> <destination>: Move or rename files or directories.
  6. rm (remove):

    • rm <file>: Remove/delete a file.

    • rm -r <directory>: Remove a directory and its contents recursively.

  7. mkdir (make directory):

    • mkdir <directory>: Create a new directory.
  8. touch:

    • touch <file>: Create an empty file or update the timestamp of an existing file.
  9. cat (concatenate and display):

    • cat <file>: Display the contents of a file.

    • cat <file1> <file2>: Concatenate and display the contents of multiple files.

  10. echo "string"command in Linux is used to display text or output messages to the terminal.

    These commands form the basis for managing files, directories, processes, and system resources in a Linux environment, which are essential skills for DevOps professionals.